"Quick to the ship! Twelve houses from our city have already burned down!"
In Evacuation, life on our planet is being wiped out by the increasingly intense solar radiation, so everyone is trying to move all the people and factories in their areas from the "old" planet to a new one - and they have only four rounds to do so.
You start the game with a fully functioning economy, and throughout the game you must dismantle and move that economy. Income on the old planet decreases over time, and production probably won't be much better until you establish yourself on the new planet and get things going. Resources cannot be mixed between the planets, so you must pay special attention to your planning.
To do this, you choose actions from the player board, with the expert variant adding cards that allow you to choose and combine additional actions. Each action has its own value, and the sum of these actions is important for a bonus at the end of the round. Additionally, players move their markers along the planet's orbit based on the value of their actions.
If you can increase the production of three resources to level 8 and have three virtual reality machines on the new planet, you win. Otherwise, players compare their scores after four rounds. Evacuation contains modules to add new play options.