DSV Days are here! February 18 & 19 up to 50% off!


How can we help you?

Perhaps the answer to your question is already on our website!

Arrange it yourself quickly

Icon for shopping_bagMissing or damaged game component

Are you missing an element in your board game? That can happen. Sometimes things go wrong at the factory. Don't worry, that will of course be solved for you! You can quickly request (replacement) material for your game via these links.

No idea where your board game comes from or is the publisher not listed here? We are happy to help you. Complete the contact form below, choose "Missing or damaged game part" as the category.

Icon for delivery_box_2Register a return

Do you want to return (part of) your order? You can return unopened products for free (NL) or for a small contribution (BE) within 28 days. Outside the Netherlands and Belgium, returns are at your own expense. We will refund the return amount to your account within 5 working days. For more information, see our returns page.
Register a return

Icon for trucktrack your order

Follow your last order in your own account.

Icon for delivery_box_1Change existing order

Would you like to add something to your order? Change the shipping method? Or just remove something from your order? Complete the contact form below and select "Change existing order" as the category.
PLEASE NOTE: also enter your order number so that we can quickly change your order for you. If you want to add a product to your order, please also send the link of the relevant item.

Send us a message!

Contact Form

Make a choice

Make a choice Change existing order Missing or damaged game component Item received damaged Otherwise
