DSV Days are here! February 18 & 19 up to 50% off!



43 products

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  • Pergola - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Rebel Pergola - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    In Pergola kruip je in de huid van een tuinier. Vol overgave fleur je je tuin op met verschillende planten om zo veel insecten aan te trekken. Elke beslissing beïnvloedt de uitstraling van jouw stukje groen, dus jij bepaalt wat je plant en hoe je de perfecte tuin vormgeeft. Kies gereedschap en voer acties uit. Plant bloemen in je tuin, trek insecten aan, verzamel honing en hang decoratie op. Creëer de mooiste tuin en win het spel! Een gezellig spel, perfect voor liefhebbers van euro-style spellen met simpele thema's. Het spel bevat actie-drafting en setverzameling, zonder vervelende interacties tussen spelers.​

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Lookout Games Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Goede dingen komen in drieën! Het derde uitbreidingsdeck voor Forest Shuffle voegt drie sets kaarten toe aan het basisspel:Ten eerste is er een officieel Automa-deck met 12 uitdagingen om te voltooien. Daarnaast bevat het een set gloednieuwe grotten met unieke krachten, die de standaardgrotten uit het basisspel vervangen. En tot slot bevat dit deck een selectie van 15 speciale speelkaarten met zeldzame en bijzondere diersoorten van over de hele wereld. Deze kaarten waren in 2024 beschikbaar als promokaarten. Met in totaal 55 kaarten vormt deze uitbreiding een perfecte aanvulling op de flora en fauna van het basisspel van Forest Shuffle, en biedt het eindeloze mogelijkheden voor ontdekking en avontuur.

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Lookout Games Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Goede dingen komen in drieën! Het derde uitbreidingsdeck voor Forest Shuffle voegt drie sets kaarten toe aan het basisspel:Ten eerste is er een officieel Automa-deck met 12 uitdagingen om te voltooien. Daarnaast bevat het een set gloednieuwe grotten met unieke krachten, die de standaardgrotten uit het basisspel vervangen. En tot slot bevat dit deck een selectie van 15 speciale speelkaarten met zeldzame en bijzondere diersoorten van over de hele wereld. Deze kaarten waren in 2024 beschikbaar als promokaarten. Met in totaal 55 kaarten vormt deze uitbreiding een perfecte aanvulling op de flora en fauna van het basisspel van Forest Shuffle, en biedt het eindeloze mogelijkheden voor ontdekking en avontuur.

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Lost Ruins of Arnak: Adventure Chest uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Czech Games Lost Ruins of Arnak: Adventure Chest uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: augustus 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Maak je klaar voor een nieuw avontuur in de wereld van Lost Ruins of Arnak. Berg al je benodigdheden eenvoudig op in The Adventure Chest, die alles bevat wat je nodig hebt om op expeditie te gaan door de weelderige jungles en uitgestrekte vlaktes van Arnak—en ontdek nieuwe gebieden en tempels. The Adventure Chest is een uitbreiding voor Lost Ruins of Arnak en biedt een originele opbergoplossing waarin alle eerder uitgebrachte content van het spel past. Daarnaast bevat het de gloednieuwe uitbreiding Twisted Paths, die twee nieuwe, grotere speelborden introduceert, elk met een eigen tempel. Ook zijn er solotegels inbegrepen, die eerder als print-and-play beschikbaar waren, en extra content zoals nieuwe locaties, bewakers en assistenten.

    Verwacht: augustus 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Rebirth + Endeavor: Diepzee + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Rebirth + Endeavor: Diepzee + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Rebirth Na een reeks rampen die de beschaving in puin achterlieten, worden samenlevingen over de hele wereld opnieuw opgebouwd, dit keer in harmonie met de natuur. Schotland ligt in ruïnes en de oude clans hebben het op zich genomen om het land te herstellen. Als clanleiders strijden spelers om strategische controle over het gebied door de prestigieuze kastelen opnieuw op te bouwen. Rebirth is een tegellegspel van Reiner Knizia dat dit klassieke genre nieuw leven inblaast door een soepel spelmechanisme te combineren met prachtig artwork. Het resultaat is een eurogame met een eenvoudige gameplay, maar toch veel strategische diepgang. Elke beurt trekken spelers een tegel uit hun voorraad en plaatsen deze op het bord. De tegels vertegenwoordigen de bijdrage van hun clan aan de wederopbouw van het land. Rebirth beloont vooruitdenken en slimme tactische keuzes, waarbij de beslissingen steeds uitdagender worden naarmate het spel vordert. Toriki Het is de 19e eeuw. Jullie zijn tieners die mee zijn gegaan met één van de eerste wetenschappelijke expedities naar het legendarische, onbewoonde eiland Toriki. Net voordat jullie de kust bereiken, wordt jullie schip overvallen door een storm en slaat het te pletter op de rotsen. Met jullie laatste krachten zwem jullie naar de kust – en daar begint het avontuur! Heb je het in je om de uitdagingen van een verlaten eiland te overleven? Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland is een coöperatief familiespel vol avontuur, ontdekking en overleving. De Scan & Play-technologie combineert digitale elementen met een klassiek bordspel en biedt op die manier een meeslepende, interactieve ervaring, verrijkt met prachtig geïllustreerde componenten. Verken het eiland op zoek naar grondstoffen, maak nieuwe gereedschappen, ontdek onbekende diersoorten en geef ze een naam! Maar bovenal: zorg dat je overleeft en een manier vindt om naar huis terug te keren. Het spel speelt als één doorlopend avontuur dat 6 tot 8 uur duurt, maar kan op elk moment gepauzeerd en opgeslagen worden. Je maakt niets kapot, dus kunt het avontuur vaker spelen om nieuwe elementen te ontdekken! Endeavor: Diepzee Dompel je onder in de oceanen, die vol zitten met mysteries. Beleef een diepgaand, voortdurend veranderend avontuur in deze opvolger van de wereldwijde hit Endeavor: Age of Sail! In Endeavor: Diepzee leid je een onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut met als doel duurzame projecten te ontwikkelen om het delicate evenwicht van het zeeleven te behouden. Tijdens het spel werf je experts en gebruik je hun vaardigheden om nieuwe locaties te verkennen, duikplekken te onderzoeken, belangrijke ecologische publicaties uit te brengen en natuurbeschermingsinitiatieven op te starten. Door je expertise uit te breiden, je team te ontwikkelen en zoveel mogelijk over de oceaan te leren, bepaal je de toekomst van het mariene ecosysteem. De beslissingen die je instituut nu neemt, kunnen het verschil betekenen tussen een gezonde oceaan en een bedreigde planeet. Endeavor: Diepzee is ontworpen door Jarratt Gray en Carl de Visser, het creatieve duo achter Endeavor: Age of Sail en Endeavor.

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Endeavor: Diepzee + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Endeavor: Diepzee + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Endeavor: Diepzee Dompel je onder in de oceanen, die vol zitten met mysteries. Beleef een diepgaand, voortdurend veranderend avontuur in deze opvolger van de wereldwijde hit Endeavor: Age of Sail! In Endeavor: Diepzee leid je een onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut met als doel duurzame projecten te ontwikkelen om het delicate evenwicht van het zeeleven te behouden. Tijdens het spel werf je experts en gebruik je hun vaardigheden om nieuwe locaties te verkennen, duikplekken te onderzoeken, belangrijke ecologische publicaties uit te brengen en natuurbeschermingsinitiatieven op te starten. Door je expertise uit te breiden, je team te ontwikkelen en zoveel mogelijk over de oceaan te leren, bepaal je de toekomst van het mariene ecosysteem. De beslissingen die je instituut nu neemt, kunnen het verschil betekenen tussen een gezonde oceaan en een bedreigde planeet. Endeavor: Diepzee is ontworpen door Jarratt Gray en Carl de Visser, het creatieve duo achter Endeavor: Age of Sail en Endeavor. Toriki Het is de 19e eeuw. Jullie zijn tieners die mee zijn gegaan met één van de eerste wetenschappelijke expedities naar het legendarische, onbewoonde eiland Toriki. Net voordat jullie de kust bereiken, wordt jullie schip overvallen door een storm en slaat het te pletter op de rotsen. Met jullie laatste krachten zwem jullie naar de kust – en daar begint het avontuur! Heb je het in je om de uitdagingen van een verlaten eiland te overleven? Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland is een coöperatief familiespel vol avontuur, ontdekking en overleving. De Scan & Play-technologie combineert digitale elementen met een klassiek bordspel en biedt op die manier een meeslepende, interactieve ervaring, verrijkt met prachtig geïllustreerde componenten. Verken het eiland op zoek naar grondstoffen, maak nieuwe gereedschappen, ontdek onbekende diersoorten en geef ze een naam! Maar bovenal: zorg dat je overleeft en een manier vindt om naar huis terug te keren. Het spel speelt als één doorlopend avontuur dat 6 tot 8 uur duurt, maar kan op elk moment gepauzeerd en opgeslagen worden. Je maakt niets kapot, dus kunt het avontuur vaker spelen om nieuwe elementen te ontdekken!

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Rebirth + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Rebirth + Toriki - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Rebirth Na een reeks rampen die de beschaving in puin achterlieten, worden samenlevingen over de hele wereld opnieuw opgebouwd, dit keer in harmonie met de natuur. Schotland ligt in ruïnes en de oude clans hebben het op zich genomen om het land te herstellen. Als clanleiders strijden spelers om strategische controle over het gebied door de prestigieuze kastelen opnieuw op te bouwen. Rebirth is een tegellegspel van Reiner Knizia dat dit klassieke genre nieuw leven inblaast door een soepel spelmechanisme te combineren met prachtig artwork. Het resultaat is een eurogame met een eenvoudige gameplay, maar toch veel strategische diepgang. Elke beurt trekken spelers een tegel uit hun voorraad en plaatsen deze op het bord. De tegels vertegenwoordigen de bijdrage van hun clan aan de wederopbouw van het land. Rebirth beloont vooruitdenken en slimme tactische keuzes, waarbij de beslissingen steeds uitdagender worden naarmate het spel vordert. Toriki Het is de 19e eeuw. Jullie zijn tieners die mee zijn gegaan met één van de eerste wetenschappelijke expedities naar het legendarische, onbewoonde eiland Toriki. Net voordat jullie de kust bereiken, wordt jullie schip overvallen door een storm en slaat het te pletter op de rotsen. Met jullie laatste krachten zwem jullie naar de kust – en daar begint het avontuur! Heb je het in je om de uitdagingen van een verlaten eiland te overleven? Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland is een coöperatief familiespel vol avontuur, ontdekking en overleving. De Scan & Play-technologie combineert digitale elementen met een klassiek bordspel en biedt op die manier een meeslepende, interactieve ervaring, verrijkt met prachtig geïllustreerde componenten. Verken het eiland op zoek naar grondstoffen, maak nieuwe gereedschappen, ontdek onbekende diersoorten en geef ze een naam! Maar bovenal: zorg dat je overleeft en een manier vindt om naar huis terug te keren. Het spel speelt als één doorlopend avontuur dat 6 tot 8 uur duurt, maar kan op elk moment gepauzeerd en opgeslagen worden. Je maakt niets kapot, dus kunt het avontuur vaker spelen om nieuwe elementen te ontdekken!

    Verwacht: Herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Rebirth + Endeavor: Diepzee - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Rebirth + Endeavor: Diepzee - Pakket (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Rebirth Na een reeks rampen die de beschaving in puin achterlieten, worden samenlevingen over de hele wereld opnieuw opgebouwd, dit keer in harmonie met de natuur. Schotland ligt in ruïnes en de oude clans hebben het op zich genomen om het land te herstellen. Als clanleiders strijden spelers om strategische controle over het gebied door de prestigieuze kastelen opnieuw op te bouwen. Rebirth is een tegellegspel van Reiner Knizia dat dit klassieke genre nieuw leven inblaast door een soepel spelmechanisme te combineren met prachtig artwork. Het resultaat is een eurogame met een eenvoudige gameplay, maar toch veel strategische diepgang. Elke beurt trekken spelers een tegel uit hun voorraad en plaatsen deze op het bord. De tegels vertegenwoordigen de bijdrage van hun clan aan de wederopbouw van het land. Rebirth beloont vooruitdenken en slimme tactische keuzes, waarbij de beslissingen steeds uitdagender worden naarmate het spel vordert. Endeavor: Diepzee Dompel je onder in de oceanen, die vol zitten met mysteries. Beleef een diepgaand, voortdurend veranderend avontuur in deze opvolger van de wereldwijde hit Endeavor: Age of Sail! In Endeavor: Diepzee leid je een onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut met als doel duurzame projecten te ontwikkelen om het delicate evenwicht van het zeeleven te behouden. Tijdens het spel werf je experts en gebruik je hun vaardigheden om nieuwe locaties te verkennen, duikplekken te onderzoeken, belangrijke ecologische publicaties uit te brengen en natuurbeschermingsinitiatieven op te starten. Door je expertise uit te breiden, je team te ontwikkelen en zoveel mogelijk over de oceaan te leren, bepaal je de toekomst van het mariene ecosysteem. De beslissingen die je instituut nu neemt, kunnen het verschil betekenen tussen een gezonde oceaan en een bedreigde planeet. Endeavor: Diepzee is ontworpen door Jarratt Gray en Carl de Visser, het creatieve duo achter Endeavor: Age of Sail en Endeavor.

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Het is de 19e eeuw. Jullie zijn tieners die mee zijn gegaan met één van de eerste wetenschappelijke expedities naar het legendarische, onbewoonde eiland Toriki. Net voordat jullie de kust bereiken, wordt jullie schip overvallen door een storm en slaat het te pletter op de rotsen. Met jullie laatste krachten zwem jullie naar de kust – en daar begint het avontuur! Heb je het in je om de uitdagingen van een verlaten eiland te overleven? Toriki: Het Onbewoonde Eiland is een coöperatief familiespel vol avontuur, ontdekking en overleving. De Scan & Play-technologie combineert digitale elementen met een klassiek bordspel en biedt op die manier een meeslepende, interactieve ervaring, verrijkt met prachtig geïllustreerde componenten. Verken het eiland op zoek naar grondstoffen, maak nieuwe gereedschappen, ontdek onbekende diersoorten en geef ze een naam! Maar bovenal: zorg dat je overleeft en een manier vindt om naar huis terug te keren. Het spel speelt als één doorlopend avontuur dat 6 tot 8 uur duurt, maar kan op elk moment gepauzeerd en opgeslagen worden. Je maakt niets kapot, dus kunt het avontuur vaker spelen om nieuwe elementen te ontdekken!

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Endeavor: Diepzee - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Endeavor: Diepzee - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: zomer 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Dompel je onder in de oceanen, die vol zitten met mysteries. Beleef een diepgaand, voortdurend veranderend avontuur in deze opvolger van de wereldwijde hit Endeavor: Age of Sail! In Endeavor: Diepzee leid je een onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut met als doel duurzame projecten te ontwikkelen om het delicate evenwicht van het zeeleven te behouden. Tijdens het spel werf je experts en gebruik je hun vaardigheden om nieuwe locaties te verkennen, duikplekken te onderzoeken, belangrijke ecologische publicaties uit te brengen en natuurbeschermingsinitiatieven op te starten. Door je expertise uit te breiden, je team te ontwikkelen en zoveel mogelijk over de oceaan te leren, bepaal je de toekomst van het mariene ecosysteem. De beslissingen die je instituut nu neemt, kunnen het verschil betekenen tussen een gezonde oceaan en een bedreigde planeet. Endeavor: Diepzee is ontworpen door Jarratt Gray en Carl de Visser, het creatieve duo achter Endeavor: Age of Sail en Endeavor.

    Verwacht: zomer 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Sale
    Rebirth - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Rebirth - Bordspel (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Na een reeks rampen die de beschaving in puin achterlieten, worden samenlevingen over de hele wereld opnieuw opgebouwd, dit keer in harmonie met de natuur. Schotland ligt in ruïnes en de oude clans hebben het op zich genomen om het land te herstellen. Als clanleiders strijden spelers om strategische controle over het gebied door de prestigieuze kastelen opnieuw op te bouwen. Rebirth is een tegellegspel van Reiner Knizia dat dit klassieke genre nieuw leven inblaast door een soepel spelmechanisme te combineren met prachtig artwork. Het resultaat is een eurogame met een eenvoudige gameplay, maar toch veel strategische diepgang. Elke beurt trekken spelers een tegel uit hun voorraad en plaatsen deze op het bord. De tegels vertegenwoordigen de bijdrage van hun clan aan de wederopbouw van het land. Rebirth beloont vooruitdenken en slimme tactische keuzes, waarbij de beslissingen steeds uitdagender worden naarmate het spel vordert. Productfoto's:Boardgame Pictures

    Verwacht: herfst 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Lands of Galzyr: Dreams and Mysteries uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Snowdale Design Lands of Galzyr: Dreams and Mysteries uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Dreams and Mysteries is een uitbreiding voor Lands of Galzyr. De uitbreiding vereist het basisspel om te spelen en bevat veel spannende nieuwe inhoud om het grote avontuur verder te verrijken. Het introduceert het nieuwe avonturiersduo Noko en Umi, waarbij elke avonturier een uitgebreide persoonlijke verhaallijn krijgt waarin ze hun dromen najagen en nieuwe speciale vaardigheden ontgrendelen. Alle uitbreidingsinhoud, waaronder een overvloed aan nieuwe quests, events, companions en items, past zelfs met sleeves in de doos van het basisspel en integreert naadloos.

    Verwacht: eind 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Botanicus - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    999 Games Botanicus - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Now that you have a beautiful piece of land at your disposal, it is up to you to decorate it with the most beautiful plants. In this colorful board game, you play your cards tactically to plant all kinds of different flowers in your garden. Be smart in the actions you perform, because the order in which you take your turn depends on your choices. Of course, the gardener cannot be everywhere in your garden at the same time, so how do you make sure that everything gets watered on time? When the picky onlookers come by to judge your garden, you better have your affairs in order! If they are satisfied, you earn points and the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Tea Garden - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    999 Games Tea Garden - Board Game [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    On the steep peaks of the Yunnan Mountains grows a special plant. Rumors are circulating that the plant has miraculous properties that can heal the body and boost the spirit. It is therefore not surprising that the cultivation of this plant is spreading like wildfire to other provinces. At the request of the emperor, master gardeners gather to establish a population of these wonder plants in the Yangtze River valleys. A special reward awaits the most skilled gardener: the prospect of fertile land in the coveted province of Yunnan. Theetuin is a challenging board game for deckbuilding enthusiasts, a well-developed theme and interesting original new game mechanics. Theetuin is recommended for players looking for a solid, but not too complicated game! Tea Garden lasts 5 rounds. Each player can take a maximum of 4 turns per round. Players take 1 turn clockwise by playing cards, with the first 3 turns being free and the fourth turn costing tea leaf tokens. A player's turn consists of 1 main action, 1 optional extra action and as many free actions as desired. Main actions are for example building a tea garden, buying an action card or selling tea to caravans. Depending on the cards played, you may perform an extra action, such as studying or sailing the boat, to gain extra rewards. Some rewards allow you to perform free actions during your turn, which can activate lucrative chain reactions. The heart of the game is formed by the green and brown tea leaf tokens. You always get green tea leaves, which deteriorate in quality during the maturation. That is why you can ferment them and make brown tea leaves from them. These become better in quality and are therefore more valuable. All these actions earn you points. If you have the most of them at the end of the game, you win Theetuin!

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell: Silverfrost - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Starling Games Everdell: Silverfrost - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Silverfrost is the next standalone game in the Edge of the Map series, exploring the exciting and diverse areas on the edge of the Everdell Valley. South of the Everdell Valley, beyond the snow-capped Spirecrest Mountains, lies the bold land of Silverfrost. It is your job to build and sustain a city in this challenging landscape. Clear the accumulating snow, tend the fires to keep your citizens warm and prosperous, and complete important missions for the Ranger's Guild. The wrath of winter approaches. It is time to light the beacons, summon the Great Beasts, and find a way to thrive in the enchanted land of Silverfrost.

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell: Silverfrost Essentials Edition - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Starling Games Everdell: Silverfrost Essentials Edition - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Silverfrost is the next standalone game in the Edge of the Map series, exploring the exciting and diverse lands on the edge of the Everdell Valley. South of the Everdell Valley, beyond the snow-capped Spirecrest Mountains, lies the brave land of Silverfrost. It is your job to build and maintain a city in this challenging landscape. You must clear the piling snow, tend fires to keep your citizens warm and prosperous, and complete important quests for the Ranger's Guild. Winter's fury approaches. It is time to light the beacons, summon the Great Beasts, and find a way to thrive in the enchanted land of Silverfrost. The Silverfrost Essentials Edition offers the same gameplay as the Silverfrost Collector's Edition , but at a more affordable price with cardboard components.

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell: Silverfrost Deluxe Resource Vessels - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Starling Games Everdell: Silverfrost Deluxe Resource Vessels - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Includes deluxe upgraded holders to store your Silverfrost pieces during game play.

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell: Silverfrost Wooden Mountain - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Starling Games Everdell: Silverfrost Wooden Mountain - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Upgrade your cardboard mountain to this deluxe version, made of painted wood!

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell: Silverfrost Essentials Upgrade Pack expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Starling Games Everdell: Silverfrost Essentials Upgrade Pack expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Includes all components needed to make the Essentials Edition equal to the Collector's Edition .

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Finspan Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Stonemaier Games Finspan Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    The Finspan Upgrade Pack is a deluxe set of egg and school tokens.

    Expected: March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Reforest - Card Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Reforest - Card Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Reforest is a card game in which players compete to create the healthiest forest ecosystem by assembling a tableau of plants, each with unique properties and abilities. On your turn, you choose one of two actions. You can collect plants by drawing two cards from the draw pile or from the open plant market. You can also play a plant by adding a plant card to your tableau in one of the allowed height categories (low, medium or high areas). You pay the cost of cards by discarding other plants from your hand as nutrients. Because space is limited, taller plants can be placed over pioneer species. Each new plant earns points and contributes to a growing ecosystem of interconnected skills. At the end of each round, when the draw pile is empty, the player whose plants best match an animal visitor's preferences ( such as the most flowers or fruits ) receives an animal card. The game ends when all animals have found a home. The players' forests are then scored and the player with the most points wins.

    Expected: end of 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (incl. promo) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (incl. promo) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: mid 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    In SETI: The Quest to Extraterrestrial Intelligence , you lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond Earth. Players explore nearby planets and their moons by launching probes from Earth and taking advantage of the planets’ ever-changing positions. By pointing your telescopes at distant galaxies, you can detect traces of alien signals or undiscovered exoplanets. Back on Earth, you can invest in upgrading your equipment so you can analyze incoming data more efficiently. You will use over 200 cards, which will also allow you to focus your research on specific targets for additional bonuses and rewards. Each card has unique effects and illustrations, and shows existing technologies, projects and discoveries. Finding traces of alien life is only a matter of time. Use your resources strategically and you could make the greatest scientific contribution to our understanding of alien life in our galaxy. SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is a tribute to the search for signs of extraterrestrial life in the vastness of space. The box also includes a promo. An insert is also available for this game.

    Expected: mid 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Saltfjord - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Saltfjord - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Expected: mid 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Generations before you lived off the oceans. But at the end of the 19th century, new opportunities reach your fishing village in northern Norway. In Saltfjord, you must decide how to shape your settlement. Will you choose to build new buildings, go fishing, trade, or develop new technologies to make everyday life easier? How will you determine the fate of your village? Saltfjord is set in a Norwegian fishing village and is loosely based on the dice-draft mechanics of Santa Maria , but the game has been completely redesigned and expanded with new elements. For added replayability, the game features variable elements in the setup, such as which special abilities and final score tiles are available. Over the course of three rounds, players draft dice to activate buildings in their settlement. This provides resources and offers actions such as sending out your fishing boat, developing your technologies, completing trade contracts, or constructing new buildings. Each player board shows a grid. When you draft a die, you activate all buildings in the row or column corresponding to that die. Constructing buildings in your settlement allows you to activate more buildings with each die roll. The technology tracks provide access to special skills, such as upgrading your fishing boat. And fishing remains a crucial part of daily life in Saltfjord .

    Expected: mid 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • La Pâtisserie Rococo - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Eagle-Gryphon Games La Pâtisserie Rococo - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: December 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Welcome to France during the reign of King Louis XV. The air is buzzing with excitement as a grand festival is about to begin in the lavish gardens of Versailles. You and your rival pastry chefs have been invited to create delicious pastries for the king’s noble guests in La Pâtisserie Rococo , a game for one to five players designed by Louis and Stefan Malz of the Rococo Deluxe design team. In this immersive game of culinary mastery, players take on the role of ambitious pastry chefs who manage their pastry chefs and apprentices. Players can acquire new recipes and purchase essential ingredients such as butter, sugar, and flour. They can add decorative flair to their creations by hiring talented pastry chefs, and benefit from the skills of staff with powerful bonus possibilities. During the game, players bake beautiful pastries that they can sell for profit or present to noble judges to gain prestige. Waiters can be employed to enhance presentations, while noble hosts can manage tables to earn additional prestige. Sometimes it is also necessary to strategically dismiss staff to gain extra money for the enterprise. The winner is the pastry chef who has earned the most prestige at the end of the game, making for a challenging and rewarding experience that can be played over and over again.

    Expected: December 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Shallow Sea: Rare Fish Expansion (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Shallow Sea: Rare Fish Expansion (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    A mini-expansion with 4 fish meeples and 3 ecosystem cards featuring these meeples. The 4 species of fish in this mini-expansion are rare fish that are threatened with extinction. The meeples from this expansion are used in combination with the included ecosystem cards, which offers a completely new experience. For example, you will discover that no sea life likes to get near a fearsome shark! Increase the replayability of Shallow Sea with this mini-expansion.

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Shallow Sea: Breeding Season Expansion (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Shallow Sea: Breeding Season Expansion (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    The Nesting Season expansion adds player interaction. By creating a thriving underwater ecosystem, players can help turtles brave the shore and lay their precious eggs. Guide your sea turtles to the ideal nesting sites! With brand new marine life, ecosystem maps, and corals, experience Shallow Sea in greater depth than ever before with this expansion!

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Storyfold: The Dark Forest - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Storyfold: The Dark Forest - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: Fall 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Storyfold: The Dark Forest is an innovative solo narrative adventure game with beautiful artwork and an immersive campaign. In Storyfold: The Dark Forest you play as the young girl Luma and her bear Brom, as they set out to heal the forest from a dark and mysterious shadow. With the help of the innovative storybook you will progress through the replayable campaign. Each play session of Storyfold takes place over a single scene, and multiple scenes together form a chapter. The choices you make will influence Luma’s journey through the chapters as she faces her fears.

    Expected: Fall 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Shallow Sea - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Shallow Sea - Board Game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    1 review

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Dive into the beautiful world of Shallow Sea , a puzzle board game inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. In Shallow Sea, players create their own colorful ocean landscapes by strategically placing sea life, colorful fish, and corals. Shallow Sea is full of strategic choices, as you try to achieve as many objectives as possible. This creates exciting combos and tough dilemmas that keep you on your toes. The game is easy to learn, but challenging to master. The goal in Shallow Sea is to have the most points at the end of the game. On your turn, you choose a combination of a fish and an adjacent tile. Place both on an empty space on your ocean board. When fish of the correct color gather around a coral tile, the coral is completed and the tile is flipped over. Completed coral becomes a home for fish, so you must tactically choose which fish will inhabit the coral. Use shells to both attract fish and move them around, creating amazing combos by completing multiple tiles in a single turn. Each sea life tile requires specific patterns of fish or coral. Go for a variety of creatures to enrich your ocean. Customize your ocean to meet the unique scoring requirements of the ecosystem cards. The game ends when there are only four empty spaces left on your ocean board. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins!

    Expected: Q4 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Speakeasy - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Eagle-Gryphon Games Speakeasy - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Step into the roaring 1920s during Prohibition in Speakeasy, a worker-placement game. As a gangster under Lucky Luciano, manage and expand your Manhattan speakeasy empire. Use your cunning and resources to outsmart rivals, upgrade your operations to lavish speakeasies and casinos, and avoid the attention of both the mob and the police. Hire henchmen, team up with other gangsters, and rob rum smugglers to gain valuable resources. Strategically place your workers to deliver illegal alcohol, complete objectives, and fill your vaults with unencumbered cash. Your ultimate goal: to amass the most wealth and become the biggest gangster in Manhattan.

    Pre-order: expected 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Arkham Horror LCG The Drowned City: Campaign Expansion expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror LCG The Drowned City: Campaign Expansion expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    It should be the final task. At the request of the mysterious antiques dealer Randall Tillinghast—who makes them an offer they can’t refuse—the investigators travel to the South Pacific and the vast alien city of R’lyeh. But the more they explore, the more horrors they uncover, and as a growing sense of dread grows, the investigators—and all of Arkham—are confronted by a colossal threat. The time has come. Cthulhu has awakened, and Arkham will never be the same. In the Drowned City Campaign expansion, one to four investigators explore the mysterious and deadly city of R'lyeh as it rises from the depths of the ocean. Venturing into its tomb-like ruins, players will scale the city's crumbling foundations, scour the seabed for otherworldly artifacts, navigate mind-bending machinery and shifting corridors, and uncover an ancient history that drowned along with the city itself. Along the way, they'll experience a unique story that changes based on their chosen investigators, and it all culminates in a climactic battle against Cthulhu himself!

    Pre-order: expected March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Inc. Darkest Magic - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Dire Wolf Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Inc. Darkest Magic - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Sure, you've "saved the world." But what have you done for the company recently? Return to the corporate adventure world of Acquisitions Incorporated in Darkest Magic, an all-new Clank! Legacy! Permanently personalize your game to tell your group's story with stickers, scratch cards, unique character journals, and more! Hailed as one of the greatest legacy games of all time, the original Clank! Legacy took players on a whirlwind adventure through an unforgettably over-the-top story. Relive the magic with Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated - Darkest Magic for the biggest, most clan-chosen Clank! yet!

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Everdell Duo - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Tabletop Tycoon Everdell Duo - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Everdell Duo, a standalone game set in the charming world of Everdell, is specifically designed for two players. It offers competitive head-to-head gameplay as well as a robust and exciting cooperative campaign. Featuring an innovative turn system, over 75 unique card abilities, and over 30 different events to complete, Everdell Duo is a deep and addictive experience with an easy setup and quick playtime.

    Pre-order: expected March 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Living in the Amazon: Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Living in the Amazon: Upgrade Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    2 reviews

    Pre-order: expected April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    In this upgrade pack you will find the wooden base components (113 tokens: trees, water flowers, seeds and the completion tokens) and the wooden resource tokens (180 tokens: coins, water, leaves and fruit). The wooden chips are slightly larger and thicker than the standard chips and are fully printed.

    Pre-order: expected April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Life in the Amazon (incl. mini expansion + promo) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Life in the Amazon (incl. mini expansion + promo) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    2 reviews

    Pre-order: expected April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Build your own thriving jungle by discovering different wild animals, insects and plants in this beautiful board game. Living in the Amazon is a strategic board game that combines 'bag building' and 'pattern building'. Discover different animals, insects and plants and let everything work together so that you build the most valuable jungle! With more than 60,000 different combinations of animal cards and various strategic options, every game of Life in the Amazon is different! Recommended sleeves for the base game: Basic animal cards (16), unique animal cards (8), overview cards (4) and solo card (1): Non-glare: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Tarot' 70 x 120 mm (50PCS) Simply: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Tarot' 70 x 120 mm (100PCS) Nature cards: insect cards (48) and landscape cards (42): Non-glare: 2 packs Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Small' 44 x 68 mm (50PCS) Simply: 1 pack Board Game Sleeves 'Clear Small' 44 x 68 mm (100PCS)

    Pre-order: expected April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-zone-threats-miniature-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Zone Threats Miniature Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    54 beautiful and unique miniatures, including some of the most iconic creatures you'll encounter in the Zone. This is a purely cosmetic addition with high quality plastic miniatures.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-playmats

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Playmats - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    A set of five unique play mats to organize the play area. Four play mats for each Stalker player board + one universal mat where you can place the different decks and components that you need to keep close while playing the game.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-terrain-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Terrain Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    This highly detailed pack adds new and detailed miniatures, along with cardboard buildings. Immerse yourself in the game and create a unique atmosphere as you make your way through the Zone.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-anomalies-miniature-pack

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Anomalies Miniature Pack - Accessories [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    20 highly detailed miniatures of anomalies. Immerse yourself deeply in the game and create a unique atmosphere as you make your way through the Zone.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-maps-stickers-recharge-pack (1)

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Maps & Stickers Recharge Pack - Accessories (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Provides additional sets of cards and stickers for three additional playthroughs of the base game, stretch goals campaigns, and add-ons.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-core-box-stalker-minis-and-enemy-standees

    Awaken Realms Stalker Core Box: Stalker Minis and Enemy Standees - Board Game (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    STALKER features high-quality miniatures and premium components that take players into the unforgiving and harsh 'Zone'. The mechanics have been carefully designed to give players a sense of tension and danger as they take on the game's challenges. It will please hardcore players, while remaining accessible to those just starting their journey into the world of story-driven board games. The story is based on the campfire stories of STALKER, and these stories will shape the missions. The board game is a "zone crawler" and is suitable for 1 to 4 players. The STALKER Core Box also contains all the stretch goals and the Zone Survival mode.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-stalker-the-board-game-personal-stories

    Awaken Realms Stalker: Personal Stories 1 expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    This optional addition delves deeper into the Stalkers' stories and offers various tasks that reveal their motivations, haunted pasts, and personal desires. While this isn't necessary to enjoy the main story campaign or the Zone Survival mode, it enriches the backstories of the available characters and provides additional depth and insight.

    Pre-order: expected August 2024   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Rats of Wistar (incl. PROMO) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    DSV Games Rats of Wistar (incl. PROMO) - Board game (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    8 reviews

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    In Rats of Wistar you play the role of 1 of the 4 rats that escaped from the famous Wistar Institute. You manage your rat family to prove that you are best suited to lead the entire colony. Your extraordinary skills will allow you to explore the farm until you reach the pantry to get that coveted cheese. With objects you find at the edge of the forest you make new inventions and expand your lair under the trees by digging new rooms and building extra beds. You will meet native mice that you will immediately welcome into your family and you can visit the Alchemist mouse for additional benefits. The game lasts 5 rounds and you can get victory points by: • build beds • dig rooms • Complete missions within the farm • welcome guest mice • make new inventions • claim objectives At the end of the game, the player with the most victory points wins. Rats of Wistar is not affiliated with, associated with, authorized by, or in any way officially connected with The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Recommended sleeves + token trays: Basic invention cards (100 pieces), advanced invention cards (80 pieces), hero cards (5 pieces), goal cards (13 pieces) + all cards for the solo game (20 pieces). Non-glare: 5 packs of Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Large' 59 x 92 mm (50PCS) Plain: 3 packs of Board Game Sleeves 'Large' 59 x 92 mm (100PCS) House mission cards (6 pieces) + basement mission cards (4 pieces). Non-glare: 1 pack of Board Game Sleeves 'Non-Glare Extra Large' 65 x 100 mm (50PCS) Plain: 1 pack of Board Game Sleeves 'Extra Large' 65 x 100 mm (100PCS) Token trays: 1 pack (2 pieces) Geekbox Double for 18 wood (tokens), 18 metal (tokens), 12 multiplication tokens, 12 joker tokens and 20 movement tokens. 1 pack (5 pieces, only 1 needed) Geekbox Slim for 12 1x tokens, 4 electricity tokens, 1 pin and 5 skill tokens (single game). We stored the rest in the ziplock bags.

    Expected: April 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • bordspellen-the-castles-of-burgundy-special-edition

    Ravensburger The Castles of Burgundy: Special Edition - Board Game

    10 reviews

    No longer available   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Castles of Burgundy is a legendary board game design created by Stefan Feld. In this unique experience you take on the role of an aristocrat who rules a small principality. Build a settlement with mighty castles and practice crafts, exploit silver mines and use the knowledge of travelers. Now this timeless game returns with an extremely polished, high-quality special edition that is the result of a collaboration between Ravensburger and Awaken Realms. The game involves players taking settlement tiles from the game board and placing them in their principality, which is represented by a duchy board placed on the player board.

    No longer available   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


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Are you a true board game lover? At De Spelletjes Vrienden you can pre-order the newest board games, so that you are the first to have them in your home. Discover exclusive releases and benefit from special pre-order offers.
