DSV Days are here! February 18 & 19 up to 50% off!


You are our games friend!

Discover our unique savings program full of exclusive benefits and discounts. Earn experience and unlock personalized benefits!

  • Earn experience, completely free!
  • Level up! The more experience you earn, the higher your level
  • Receive more discounts and other benefits!

Start saving now by creating a free account

  • Become a member of the DSV Club for even more benefits!
  • Become a member of the DSV Club for even more benefits!

VIP levels

  • Level 1: Beginner

    Level 1: Beginner

    - 100 experience is €1 discount

  • Level 2: Connoisseur

    Level 2: Connoisseur

    - 90 experience is €1 discount
    - 50 experience for reaching level 2
    - Weekly offers valid for 3 weeks

  • Level 3: Expert

    Level 3: Expert

    - 80 experience is €1 discount
    - 50 experience for reaching level 3
    - Weekly offers valid for 3 weeks
    - 4 additional offers

  • More discount?

    More discount?

    Would you like to get even more discounts for your experience? Become a member of the DSV Club!

  • Level 1: Beginner

    Level 1: Beginner

    - 100 experience is €1 discount

  • Level 2: Connoisseur

    Level 2: Connoisseur

    - 90 experience is €1 discount
    - 50 experience for reaching level 2
    - Weekly offers valid for 3 weeks

  • Level 3: Expert

    Level 3: Expert

    - 80 experience is €1 discount
    - 50 experience for reaching level 3
    - Weekly offers valid for 3 weeks
    - 4 additional offers

  • More discount?

    More discount?

    Would you like to get even more discounts for your experience? Become a member of the DSV Club!

  • 1 / 4
  • Become a member of the DSV Club for even more benefits!
  • Become a member of the DSV Club for even more benefits!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much experience do I get?

For every €1 you spend, you get 2 experience.

How much is my experience worth?

That varies per level. The higher your level, the more discount you get!

Level 1 Beginner: 100 experience is €1 discount
Level 2 Connoisseur: 90 points is a €1 discount
Level 3 Expert: 80 points is €1 discount

Are you a member of the DSV Club? Then you get even more discount!

DSV Club small: 70 points is a €1 discount
DSV Club medium: 60 points is a €1 discount
DSV Club large: 50 points is a €1 discount

How do I redeem my experience?

Click on 'Rewards' (bottom right of your screen). Click 'get rewards' and then 'redeem'. Choose how much experience you want to redeem. The system will then create a gift voucher for you, which you can immediately add to your shopping cart.

How long is my experience valid?

Your experience is valid for 730 days.

Do I have to spend all my experience at once?

No! You can decide for yourself how much experience you redeem at once.

Can I combine my experience with a discount code or gift voucher?

Yes, that's possible.

Do I keep my experience if I return my order?

No, the experience you earned with the products you returned will be deducted from your total.

I have placed an order, but my experience has not been credited. What now?

Your experience will be automatically credited when your order has been processed by us. So just be patient! Have you already received your order, but has your experience still not been credited? Please contact us and we will check it for you!

Can I also exchange my experience for money?

No, your experience cannot be exchanged for money. You can only redeem your experience for a discount on your next order.

Can I also use my experience in another of your webshops?

Unfortunately not. Your experience can only be redeemed in the webshop where you earned it.
