In the fourth edition of Clever 4ever you will once again collect as many points as possible. Through 5 different categories and the bonus actions, you try to fill in combinations on your score sheet as cleverly as possible with the dice. Dice that you do not use go to the tray, so that your opponents can also choose dice during your turn.
This is familiar territory for seasoned Clever players. But what are the new categories? The colors blue, yellow, green, pink and gray each score points in their own way:
The yellow category consists of 3 rows. You may only enter increasing numbers in the top row. You can complete the rows below as you wish. The second row constitutes negative points, the third row normal points. The more boxes you complete, the more bonuses you get.
In the blue category you use the blue and white die. Together the two dice form coordinates with which you can check a box in a large square. You score points by putting at least two crosses per row, column or diagonal.
In gray you have to fill in fields again and again based on the number of the die. A field consists of a number of squares, which must correspond to the number of spots on the die. The new fields must also be adjacent to previously checked fields.
Green consists of a row of boxes that you must fill in from left to right. Each box is split in two. The bottom half gives you an immediate bonus. The other half, in combination with the first half, gives the total number of points. You can choose whether you first complete a box completely or whether you prefer to fill in the bottom halves first to quickly score bonuses.
Pink also consists of a row of boxes. You may enter any number indicated by the die in each box. However, in pink, each number has a property. For example, a 5 immediately gives the bonus under the box, while with a 3 you can immediately write down a second 3, but you are not allowed to take any bonuses.
All categories are again full of bonuses that can cause combinations and chain reactions. Whoever knows how to use these combinations as smartly as possible wins Clever 4ever.