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Korea Board Games Coffee Rush - Bordspel
Dit café ligt in een drukke straat met andere geweldige cafés. Er heerst een gezellige sfeer, er is lekkere koffie en het café is populair op social media. Klanten komen hier om te relaxen, maar in de keuken is het een ware strijd wie het snelste zijn bestellingen weet te voltooien. Zorg dat je klanten tevreden zijn en scoor de hoogste beoordeling. Het spel eindigt als de stapel bestellingskaarten op is, of als een speler 5 strafkaarten heeft verzameld. De speler met de beste beoordeling wint!
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Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror LCG The Drowned City: Investigator Expansion expansion (ENG) [PRE ORDER]
The citizens of Arkham have endured many threats. Eldritch terrors, dark cults, and ghostly apparitions have plagued the city for years, and each incident has been solved by brave investigators from all walks of life. But now, Arkham faces its greatest threat yet, and it’s up to our fearless investigators to come together and ensure the city’s survival. The Drowned City Investigator expansion introduces six new investigators to Arkham Horror: The Card Game and adds a wealth of new player cards and deckbuilding options, including all-new “Specialist” cards that play to investigators’ abilities. Protect the vulnerable as the trawler, Marion Tavares; draw inspiration from horrors as the poet, Lucius Galloway; battle monsters in a hail of bullets as the gangster, Micheal McGlen; blur the lines between science and mysticism as the parapsychologist, Agatha Crane; control your destiny with prophetic visions as the writer, Gloria Goldberg; and come prepared to brave any storm as the lawyer, George Barnaby. This expansion is an essential addition to any Arkham Horror: The Card Game player's collection, and the cards within it can be used to build or enhance investigator decks for any scenario or campaign in the game.
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Horrible Guild Flower Fields - Bordspel (ENG)
Flower Fields wordt gespeeld over drie seizoenen, elk bestaande uit een variabel aantal rondes. Tijdens je beurt voer je één actie uit: je neemt bloementegels uit het veld en plaatst ze in je tuin, je neemt bijen uit het veld, of je plaatst bijen in je tuin. Bij het nemen van bloementegels kies je de volgende tegel na de zonmarker in de cirkel rond het veld, maar je kunt bijen uit je reserve inzetten om een tegel te “overslaan” door ze op die tegel te plaatsen. Beheer je bijen verstandig en kies de beste bloementegels. Bloementegels moeten verbonden zijn met ten minste één andere tegel in je tuin. Creëer grote bloemenbedden van dezelfde kleur en gebruik je bijen om ze te bestuiven en hun waarde te vergroten. Verzamel bijenkorven en verwijder spinnenwebben om aan het einde van het seizoen meer bijen te verzamelen. Een seizoen eindigt wanneer de laatste bloementegel uit de cirkel rond het veld is genomen. Het spel eindigt na het derde seizoen. Je scoort je meest waardevolle gebied van elke kleur. Rode, gele en blauwe gebieden leveren punten op gelijk aan het aantal vakken vermenigvuldigd met het aantal bijen in dat gebied. Witte gebieden zijn één punt waard per vak. Daarnaast krijg je vijf punten voor elke volledige rij en/of kolom in je tuinbord.
USAopoly Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle: The Charms and Potions expansion (ENG)
Continue to defend Hogwarts with The Charms and Potions expansion for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle! This second expansion for Hogwarts Battle allows you to play the game with up to five players. In addition, you can use new spells that can help you fight the bad guys, such as Pansy Parkinson and Marcus Flint. Can you save Hogwarts from destruction? You can only achieve this by working well together!
USAopoly Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle: The Monster Box of Monsters expansion (ENG)
Walk through the Forbidden Forest, fight terrible monsters and take on the role of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville or Luna. You'll need your best spells in this cool expansion to Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle. But make sure you don't make a mistake, because you will be closely watched. Only if you work together can you defeat the evil forces and protect the iconic locations from the books and films.
HABA Point of View: Spooky Festival - Board Game
The Spooky Festival is an outdated amusement park, surrounded by tall buildings and harbor terminals, living a bleak existence. But the small piece of land now arouses great desires! And that's where the problems begin... Everyone gets a map with their own perspective - but no one has the full overview! Can the team solve the riddles together and discover what happened here?
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999 Games The Legends of Andor: The Star Shield expansion
Expansion of the critically acclaimed cooperative fantasy game Take on the battle against monsters and threats in this expansion. Different combinations of 36 legend cards ensure that around 600 different legends await you. In all legends you search for the mighty star shield, but so does your greatest opponent, the black magician. If you find the star shield first, you can use its magical powers. But if the black magician finds him first, the shield's powers will be used against you! Furthermore, you will face 1 of 6 major threats, such as a siege tower, The Dark Temple or the terrible water monster. The Star Shield provides even more excitement and challenge in Andor. Experience it yourself!
999 Games The Legends of Andor: New Heroes 5/6 expansion
Expansion for 5 and 6 players With this expansion to the Toy of the Year 2014, you can now also play the game with 5 or 6 heroes or try the basic game with other heroes. New Heroes contains 4 hero tableaus with associated play materials and interesting special properties. For example, one hero has all kinds of special objects, but not that much strength and willpower, while another is very strong, but cannot carry a large object. You can also choose a number of variants, such as "the brother's shield" and "the black herald" to make the game a little easier or more difficult.
999 Games The Quest for El Dorado The Golden Temples - Board Game
This standalone variant of “The Quest for El Dorado” combines logistical planning with deckbuilding, a game mechanic in which players collect more and more cards in their deck to gain more options during the game. It is possible to combine this game with “The Quest for El Dorado”. The game will then be considerably longer, but you are assured of an epic adventure. If you choose this, you can even add the expansions to “The Quest for El Dorado”. The rules for this can be found at the back of the manual! You've made it! You've reached El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. And as you'll soon see, this is just the beginning of a much greater adventure. This standalone version of "The Quest for El Dorado" will lead you to the city's deepest secrets, and if you dare, even further! Which expedition will be the first to find the three mythical gems that, according to legend, will open the gates to the endless treasure chamber? Because it is a standalone game, both new players and fans of “The Quest for El Dorado” will have a lot of fun with The Golden Temples! The game is very accessible, making it suitable for both young and old. Perfect for the whole family! This standalone version of “The Quest for El Dorado” combines logistical planning with deckbuilding, a game mechanism in which players collect more and more cards in their deck to gain more options during the game. During the game, you play cards, with which you move your playing figure. You can also use these cards to buy new, stronger cards, which are added to your personal deck. With green cards you make your way through the forest, while blue cards help you travel over water and yellow cards give you more opportunities to purchase the best cards on the market. By choosing your cards wisely, you can put together your own card deck during the game. The player who is the first to collect 3 gems and bring them back to the treasure room wins the game! It is possible to combine this game with “The Quest for El Dorado”. The game will then be considerably longer, but you are assured of an epic adventure. If you choose to do this, you can even add the expansions to “The Quest for El Dorado”. The rules for this can be found at the back of the manual!
White Goblin Games Moby Trick - Kaartspel
Moby Trick is een slagenspel voor 2-4 spelers met veel keuzes en mogelijkheden. Speel een kaart, win de slag en kies je punten en ontvang bonuskaarten en gebruik ze verstandig.
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Exploding Kittens Horrible Therapist - Bordspel (ENG)
Strijd om de grappigste en meest bizarre strip over therapie te maken door antwoordkaarten in te leveren om een prompt te voltooien. De speler die de grappigste laatste kaart neerlegt, wint, en maakt van therapie een hilarische en donker vermakelijke ervaring. Het spel is eenvoudig. Je maakt samen met je vrienden stripverhalen van drie panelen. Je zult lachen, je zult verbaasd zijn, en je zult je misschien lichtjes beledigd voelen (op een leuke manier). Maar uiteindelijk zul je je geweldig voelen wanneer je opdringerige gedachten je helpen het spel te winnen!
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Repos Production For a Crown - Bordspel
Al zolang ze het zich kunnen herinneren, voeren verschillende families oorlog, maar nu besluiten ze dat het hoog tijd is om één koninkrijk te vormen. Maar wie zal als eerste gekroond worden? De concurrentie is groot, ben je klaar om te doen wat nodig is om de troon te bestijgen? Een spel dat unieke mechanismen, bedrog, verraad en opportunisme combineert!Rekruteer huurlingen, stop ze in kaarthoesjes van je familie, schud ze samen met de huurlingen van je tegenstanders en vorm een gedeelde stapel. Onthul de kaarten een voor een. Als een van je huurlingen wordt onthuld, pas je onmiddellijk de effecten toe. Maar pas op want onverwachte gebeurtenissen kunnen je plannen in de war sturen.Verzamel zoveel mogelijk robijnen. Gemaskerde wasberen, invloed, magie... Gooi alles in de strijd om ervoor te zorgen dat je tegenstanders robijnen verliezen en dat jij gekroond wordt aan het einde van deze strijd!
Happy Meeple Periodic - Bordspel
In Periodic: Een spel van de Elementen verzamelen spelers setjes elementen en gaan op onderzoek door zich door het periodiek systeem te verplaatsen. De spelers gebruiken energie om periodieke trends te activeren en zich in de juiste richting te begeven. Energie is schaars, en moet dus efficiënt ingezet worden. Het spel zit erop wanneer iemand het einde van het onderzoeksspoor bereikt of wanneer een stapel doelkaarten leeg is. Wie dan de meeste punten verzameld heeft, wint het spel!
Brueh Games Keep The Heroes Out! - Board game (ENG)
Keep The Heroes Out! is an asymmetrical, cooperative dungeon defense game for 1-4 players, where you play as the monsters! Players use (and improve!) their decks to place monsters in the dungeon, move them, generate resources, and wipe out those pesky heroes!
Plaid Hat Games Wandering Galaxy - Board Game (ENG)
Explore space like never before in Wandering Galaxy, the newest addition to Plaid Hat's "Crossroads Game" universe. In the game, players take on the role of members of a ragtag starship crew cruising the edge of charted space in search of fame and fortune. Together, players command and pilot a ship as they embark on a world-hopping campaign, taking on jobs too dangerous (or too crazy) for the average space traveler. Climb aboard and soar across the galaxy to see if your crew can turn a profit enough to pay off their ship and become masters of their own cosmic destiny!
White Goblin Games Zoo Vadis - Board Game [PRE ORDER]
What if the animals ruled the zoo? A feral government would likely emerge, built on the support of other animals and fueled by fame, attention and admiration from visitors. Naturally, the most ambitious beasts would negotiate for a place in the star exhibit and the main star would be chosen as the zoo mascot. To win a place in the star exhibit, each animal species must work its way up the hierarchy through a majority vote or through the help of the zookeeper. The animal species that has collected the most laurel wreaths from enthusiastic fans and jealous rivals along the way is the zoo mascot. How do you get support and earn laurel wreaths? Through cunning politics, clever negotiations and ruthless plans. After all, there can only be 1 zoo mascot.
White Goblin Games Mango - Kaartspel
In dit spel probeer je de beste boomgaard te maken, door velden van het zelfde fruit te verbouwen. Maar neem je teveel risico, dan levert je veld misschien helemaal niets op! Pak een boomgaardkaart uit de markt en leg die aan in je eigen boomgaard. Doe dit zo slim mogelijk en creëer daarmee grote velden van dezelfde fruitsoort. Grenst een veld fruit aan het aantal waterdruppels dat exact gelijk is aan het aantal fruit in dat veld? Dan scoort het veld punten! De speler met de meeste punten wint het spel.
Lookout Games Le Havre - Board Game (ENG)
In Le Havre, a player's turn consists of two parts: first, newly delivered goods are distributed among the offering spaces, and then an action is performed. As an action, players can choose to either take all goods of one type from an offering space, or use one of the available buildings. Building actions allow players to upgrade goods, sell them or use them to build their own buildings and ships. Buildings are both an investment opportunity and a source of income, as players must pay an entrance fee to use buildings they do not own. Ships, on the other hand, are mainly used to deliver the food needed to feed the workers. After seven turns, the round ends: players' livestock and grain can multiply through a Harvest, and players must feed their workers. After a fixed number of rounds, each player may perform one final action, after which the game ends. Players add the value of their buildings and ships to their cash reserves. The player who has amassed the greatest fortune is the winner.
Rio Grande Games Roll for the Galaxy - Board Game (ENG)
Roll for the Galaxy is a space empire building dice game for 2-5 players. Your dice represent your population, which you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. The player who best manages his workers and builds the most prosperous empire wins! This dice version of Race for the Galaxy takes players on a new journey through the Galaxy, but with the feel of the original game. The Games Friends: " Roll for the Galaxy doesn't look like much, but you just have to look past it. The game itself is a lot of fun. The actions are quite similar to those of Race for the Galaxy, but through the use of We think it's sufficiently different. Highly recommended!
Lookout Games Hallertau - Board Game (ENG)
The Hallertau in Bavaria, Germany, is the largest contiguous hop growing region in the world. It is known for being the first in Central Europe to grow hops. This game takes place around 1850, when the Hallertau became what it is today. As the leader of a small Bavarian village in the Hallertau, your goal is to increase its prosperity and prestige in the eyes of the world. To achieve this, you must supply local artisans with agricultural and sheep farming goods. Place your workers, play your cards smart and make your village shine!
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Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror LCG: The Midwinter Gala Scenario Pack Expansion (ENG)
It's the dead of winter and Arkham's social elite have arrived in fog-shrouded Kingsport for a glittering gala hosted by the enigmatic Lantern Club. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long before nightmarish creatures disrupt the festivities, and it's up to you to uncover the club's dark plans before Arkham's most powerful leaders all meet a terrible fate! In The Midwinter Gala, one to four investigators team up with a faction of their choosing as they attempt to obtain the powerful relic at the heart of the Lantern Club's nefarious plot. The scenario can be played on its own or inserted into any campaign as a side story. It can also be played semi-competitively between multiple teams of researchers! Players only need a copy of Arkham Horror: The Card Game Revised Core Set to dive into the scenario.
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Days of Wonder Heat: Heavy Rain expansion (ENG)
Roaring engines muffle the sound of the incessant rain. The atmosphere during the Japanese Grand Prix is tense. You can feel the uncertainty in the air. The circuit that once promised speed and precision is now gleaming with rain and has turned into a treacherous stretch of asphalt that tests the drivers' skills and requires supreme concentration. The rain hurts everyone! Heat Heavy Rain features two new race tracks. The Grand Prix in Japan is held after heavy rain and large puddles make the corners even more treacherous, because you cannot brake so easily. The infamous circuit in Mexico is a challenge, even for the most experienced drivers, because of the many chicanes that require extra skill. Take part in the 1964 Championship and discover the new air intake upgrade cards that will help players cool their car and overcome the dangers of these new tracks.
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Days of Wonder Ticket to Ride Berlin - Board Game
Welcome to the city of art, culture and music with Ticket to Ride Berlin! Travel to Unter den Linden and immerse yourself in the modern, cultural capital of Europe. Enjoy a cruise on the River Spree, take a bike ride at the Brandenburg Gate or be amazed by the masterpieces in the Pergamon Museum. In this fast-paced Ticket to Ride game, players race against each other to visit the most iconic locations in Berlin and earn their destination tickets. To win, players make clever use of Berlin's tram network and venture underground for the first time by claiming metro lines.
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Greater Than Games Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate expansion (ENG)
Since time immemorial, Ghosts have existed on the Island. There are Spirits whose names are known to the local Dahan people — Spirits of growth and fire, of power and river. But these are not the only Ghosts... there are whispers of legends, Ghosts from the deepest, farthest reaches of the land. Powerful forces of nature that have not been seen in centuries. When ships reach the coastal waters, when would-be colonists set foot on its shores, when they claim the land with greed and hunger, nature stirs. When invaders strike out into the heart of the Isle, they draw the attention of Spirits of myth and legend and face unimaginable power. Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate introduces eight new Spirits, twenty new aspects and much more.
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Road to Infamy Games Canvas: Finishing Touches expansion (ENG)
The gallery is looking for new masterpieces! In Canvas: Finishing Touches, finish your works of art and show them to the world with the new Frames! These frames add a layer of interaction as players compete to showcase their work on the gallery wall.
Ludonaute Colt Express - Board Game
In Colt Express the players are bandits who are going to rob a train. The game is not played on a board, but in a 3D train. Train robbers can move from one wagon to another. They can walk on the roof, punch or shoot other train robbers, rob the passengers or move the sheriff. Whoever has the most loot after five rounds wins this fun game!
Pendragon Game Studio Escape from New York - Board Game (ENG)
In Escape from New York, created by Kevin Wilson, players will race against time to find the President and the precious tape and bring them back from the most dangerous prison in the world: Manhattan. You will play as Snake, Brain, Maggie and Cabbie. While you will initially work together against the gangs of New York, over time you will have opportunities to betray the others and try to win alone. Will you resist temptation and hold on to collective victory, or will you throw your temporary companions under the... taxi at the first opportunity?
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Starter Deck Scar & Kronk Set 5 – Trading Card Game (ENG)
In this starter deck you will find the following cards. 1 deck of 60 cards, including 2 foil cards with the characters shown on the front of the packaging, 11 markers, game rules and 1 booster pack with 12 random cards.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Starter Deck Wreck-It Ralph & Elsa Set 5 – Trading Card Game (ENG)
In this starter deck you will find the following cards. 1 deck of 60 cards, including 2 foil cards with the characters shown on the front of the packaging, 11 markers, game rules and 1 booster pack with 12 random cards.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Sleeves Shimmering Skies Art 1 - Accessories
Each pack contains 65 card sleeves with a matte finish and a Disney Lorcana shimmer.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Sleeves Shimmering Skies Art 2 - Accessories
Each pack contains 65 card sleeves with a matte finish and a Disney Lorcana shimmer.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Playmat Shimmering Skies Art 1 - Accessories
A fabric top prevents damage during gaming and can also be used as a desk mat or mouse pad, while the non-slip bottom keeps the mat in place during use.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Deck Box Shimmering Skies Art 2 - Accessories
Each deckbox can hold up to 80 sleeved cards.
Ravensburger Disney Lorcana: Deck Box Shimmering Skies Art 1 - Accessories
Each deckbox can hold up to 80 sleeved cards.
HABA Animal on Animal - Board Game
The animals want to show their trick - the great pyramid! Now you have to work carefully and skillfully: who can put the penguin on the crocodile, the sheep on the penguin and the snake on the sheep...
HABA Unicorn Glunkerglans: Cumulative Clouds - Board Game
The five unicorns are often visited by friends in their cloud castle. Because there is no longer enough space, they have to expand. The players work together and use their dexterity to stack the unicorns and clouds. If they stack skillfully and also collect all the cloud crystals, they win together.
HABA My First Game Box - Board Game
This collection of games brings together the most beautiful games in one box! Who can help farmer Bert best? And who knows where the mischievous animals are hiding in the meadow? 10 game ideas with simple rules and short playing time ensure a successful introduction to the world of games. Whether classic, cooperative or exciting board, memory or card games, time flies by.
HABA All Spikes - Board Game
Today the hedgehog children are dressing up: they want big quills in their favorite color! To do this, the players must remove leaves of the correct color from the leaf bag. But be careful: the wind can blow the leaves quite a bit and then your leaves will disappear again! The player who is the first to completely decorate his/her hedgehog with leaves of the correct color wins.
HABA Pio Carrier Pigeon - Board Game
It is very busy at the post office. Carrier pigeon Pio has full wings! There is so much mail waiting to be sent, but that is only possible with the right stamp. The players help Pio find the right stamp: for this they need some luck and good arithmetic skills. Whoever can frank the most letters or cards correctly is the winner!
HABA Logic Case: Starter Set 4+ - Board Game
Colorful, challenging, varied - those are the LogiCASE riddle sets. The goal is to unlock and solve the most diverse assignments. The player can check his/her answer with the wooden peg. Can one pull out the card or not? This strengthens the motivation and skill to solve a problem independently. Has a mystery been solved? Then the next challenge is already waiting! With the LogiCASE expansion sets, the starter sets can be expanded easily and flexibly based on theme and difficulty level. This way it always remains exciting!
HABA Rhino Hero: Super Battle - Board Game
Rhino Hero Super Battle is a movement and stacking game from the German brand Haba. Rhino Hero and his super-heroic friends have lots of adventures on the skyscraper of cards. But be careful: the more cards are placed as walls and floor, the higher the skyscraper becomes and the harder it will wobble. Those who are good with the dice can let their superhero climb high and defend their place in the dice battles against other players. However, there are Spider Monkeys that shake the skyscraper.
HABA Hop at Gallop - Board Game
That was a great day in the pasture for the horses! But now they have to quickly return to the horse farm. They need different things in their box, such as a bunch of carrots or a bag of oats. These things must be collected on the way to the farm. If you always choose the right dice along the way, with a bit of luck you can be the first to bring your horse to the box
HABA Snail Race - Board Game
During the slippery snail competition in Mrs. Meier's vegetable garden, Sebastian Slak, Gloria Glibber and co. move slowly, but they still manage to crawl over each other or slide past each other. Whoever manages to bring the snails to the podium through luck with the dice and clever moves gets the most points and wins.
Salt & Pepper Games The Battle of Versailles - Board Game (ENG)
"The Battle of Versailles" was a fashion show that took place in 1973 in Versailles, France, where five American designers competed against five French designers. The American designers, including Anne Klein, Halston, Oscar de la Renta, Stephen Burrows and Bill Blass, were considered more innovative and less traditional than the French designers: Yves Saint Laurent, Hubert de Givenchy, Emanuel Ungaro, Pierre Cardin and Christian Dior . The American designers ultimately won the competition and thus strengthened their position in the fashion world. The event received widespread media attention and is considered a turning point in the history of fashion. In the game "The Battle of Versailles", players take on the role of the team of France and the United States, who face each other by playing action cards to show off their best dresses, attract the most popular celebrities, or the to annoy an opponent by spreading gossip. They also compete to contribute more to the reconstruction of the Palace of Versailles than their opponent. The French player has five actions per round, which matches the classic but overly long show (2 hours and 30 minutes) they put on, while the American player only has three actions per round, because their show was fresh, innovative and short ( only 37 minutes).
Happy Meeple Isle of Trains - Card Game
Build a large locomotive with various freight and passenger wagons and convince your opponents to give you their goods and passengers. Then take them to their destination to score big points! Or place your goods and passengers in a fellow player's train and profit from his or her bonuses. This way you can link actions together and make rapid progress.
Breaking Games Happy Little Dinosaurs - Card Game (ENG)
Lately it feels like we're all dinosaurs trying to avoid falling meteors. In this game for 2-4 players you try to avoid all of life's little disasters. You may fall into a pit of hot lava or be forgotten by your dino date, but the dino that survives it all wins the game! The first person to reach 50 points or the last person standing wins!
Roxley Brass: Birmingham - Board Game (ENG)
Brass: Birmingham is the highly rated sequel to one of the best industrial board games ever. In this game you try to collect as much power as possible during the industrial revolution between the 1770s and 1870s. Compared to its predecessor, some strategies have become a lot less powerful, but there are also new strategies to discover.
Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars prelude expansion (ENG)
strong> In Terraforming Mars: Prelude you choose a number of prelude cards that ensure that you get off to a flying start in the game. In addition, there are 5 new cooperatives and 7 new project cards that perfectly match the first steps of terraforming a planet. The Prelude expansion gives you a head start in the game. This means that a game of Terraforming Mars takes a little less time and you have more time for it during your games night! To play this Terraforming Mars expansion, you need the Terraforming Mars base game .
Space Cowboys Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures - Board Game (ENG)
This is the first (standalone) expansion for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. In Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures you will find ten new cases, six separate 'West End Adventures' and a series of four scenarios about Jack the Ripper. You get nothing more than a book with directions, a street directory, a map and a number of newspapers. Can you solve the mystery faster than Sherlock Holmes? The Games Friends: “ Fans of the first part of Sherlock Homes Consulting Detective can breathe a sigh of relief: there are more cases! We enjoyed the 4 Jack the Ripper scenarios and the 6 separate parts. The cases in this part are also extremely tough, so we haven't managed to get close to Sherlock's score yet, but we still loved it! As far as we are concerned, this is an absolute must for fans of spicy detective games! ”
GameGenic Life Counter Gamegenic: Forest - Accessories
Many games have standard Life Counters to keep track of the number of lives of your character. Super handy of course, but how cool is it to have such a beautiful Life Counter that you can use in every game?