Connoisseur games

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  • Scheepsbouwers van de Noordzee: Redux - Bordspel (NL)

    White Goblin Games Scheepsbouwers van de Noordzee: Redux - Bordspel (NL)

    Temporarily sold out   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Scheepsbouwers van de Noordzee: Redux speelt zich af in de beginjaren van de Vikingen, rond 800 na Christus. Als scheepsbouwende Vikingen strijden jullie om de grootste scheepsvloot op de Noordzee. Je moet eikenhout, wol en ijzer verzamelen en hulp inroepen van andere specialisten bij de bouw. Zoals je kunt verwachten is de samenleving gevuld met allerlei karakters, goed en slecht. Je kunt ze maar beter aan jouw kant hebben!

    Temporarily sold out   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Lost Ruins of Arnak: Adventure Chest uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Czech Games Lost Ruins of Arnak: Adventure Chest uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: augustus 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Maak je klaar voor een nieuw avontuur in de wereld van Lost Ruins of Arnak. Berg al je benodigdheden eenvoudig op in The Adventure Chest, die alles bevat wat je nodig hebt om op expeditie te gaan door de weelderige jungles en uitgestrekte vlaktes van Arnak—en ontdek nieuwe gebieden en tempels. The Adventure Chest is een uitbreiding voor Lost Ruins of Arnak en biedt een originele opbergoplossing waarin alle eerder uitgebrachte content van het spel past. Daarnaast bevat het de gloednieuwe uitbreiding Twisted Paths, die twee nieuwe, grotere speelborden introduceert, elk met een eigen tempel. Ook zijn er solotegels inbegrepen, die eerder als print-and-play beschikbaar waren, en extra content zoals nieuwe locaties, bewakers en assistenten.

    Verwacht: augustus 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Children of Morta: The Board Game - Bordspel (ENG)

    Lucky Duck Games Children of Morta: The Board Game - Bordspel (ENG)

    Temporarily sold out   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Children of Morta: The Board Game is een coöperatief avonturenspel waarin spelers samen strijden tegen de duistere corruptie die hun geliefde land bedreigt. Met een uniek gedeeld bag-building mechanisme, permanente karakterontwikkeling, de nadruk op familiebanden, gelijktijdige beurten en onderlinge samenwerking, draait dit spel om de kracht van eenheid. Een familie die samen vecht, blijft samen! In dit spel neem je de rol aan van een lid van de Bergson-familie, die vastbesloten is om het kwaad te stoppen dat zich over het land Rea verspreidt. Door monsters en bazen te verslaan, ontgrendel je upgrades voor je held, waardoor ze steeds sterker worden en beter voorbereid zijn op de uitdagingen die voor hen liggen.

    Temporarily sold out   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Lookout Games Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (ENG) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Goede dingen komen in drieën! Het derde uitbreidingsdeck voor Forest Shuffle voegt drie sets kaarten toe aan het basisspel:Ten eerste is er een officieel Automa-deck met 12 uitdagingen om te voltooien. Daarnaast bevat het een set gloednieuwe grotten met unieke krachten, die de standaardgrotten uit het basisspel vervangen. En tot slot bevat dit deck een selectie van 15 speciale speelkaarten met zeldzame en bijzondere diersoorten van over de hele wereld. Deze kaarten waren in 2024 beschikbaar als promokaarten. Met in totaal 55 kaarten vormt deze uitbreiding een perfecte aanvulling op de flora en fauna van het basisspel van Forest Shuffle, en biedt het eindeloze mogelijkheden voor ontdekking en avontuur.

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup


  • Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Lookout Games Forest Shuffle Exploration uitbreiding (NL) [PRE ORDER]

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup

    Goede dingen komen in drieën! Het derde uitbreidingsdeck voor Forest Shuffle voegt drie sets kaarten toe aan het basisspel:Ten eerste is er een officieel Automa-deck met 12 uitdagingen om te voltooien. Daarnaast bevat het een set gloednieuwe grotten met unieke krachten, die de standaardgrotten uit het basisspel vervangen. En tot slot bevat dit deck een selectie van 15 speciale speelkaarten met zeldzame en bijzondere diersoorten van over de hele wereld. Deze kaarten waren in 2024 beschikbaar als promokaarten. Met in totaal 55 kaarten vormt deze uitbreiding een perfecte aanvulling op de flora en fauna van het basisspel van Forest Shuffle, en biedt het eindeloze mogelijkheden voor ontdekking en avontuur.

    Verwacht: eind mei 2025   In stock Ordered before 2 p.m. on workdays? Then your order will be shipped the same day! Preorder You can pre-order this product by placing a pre-order. Do you also buy other products in the same order? Your entire order will then be shipped at once as soon as everything has been received. Unfortunately, post-payment is not possible for pre-orders. Temporarily sold out This product is temporarily sold out. Add it to your wishlist to receive an email as soon as the product is back in stock.Popup



Board games for a game night

Are you just as crazy about board games as we are? Then you probably have a regular game night with friends. There is a good chance that you already know the board games Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne! Ticket to Ride is also a series of board games that are super popular. In this board game, players try to build train routes between cities in order to claim the most routes. In the meantime, many expansions have been released and you can lay train routes in, for example, America, Europe, London and New York. But board games such as 7 Wonders and Istanbul are also very popular in the Netherlands. And what do you think of the recently released Wingspan, which immediately became an enormously popular board game after its release (and rightly so, because what a great game it is!)?

Board games top 10

Are you curious about our recommendations regarding board games? We are more than happy to share them with you! We play a game almost every night (okay, we admit it, usually it becomes much more than one...) and have played a lot of board games. That is why we have made top 10 lists with games that you really should play! We have divided them into our top 15 board games, top 10 card games, top 10 cooperative games and top 10 party games. Each and every one of them board games that you should not miss!

Board games delivered to your home tomorrow

By now you must be excited to plan the next game night! How about tomorrow night? Because if you order your new board games before 2 p.m., you will have them at home tomorrow! So check if you have chips at home, put the coke in the fridge and app your group of friends, your partner or your children: tomorrow night, game night! You can easily pay for your order full of board games via your favorite payment method, such as iDeal, PayPal, credit card or via deferred payment. And have you discovered our savings system yet? With this you automatically save for a discount on your next board game! For every game you order, you automatically receive points, which you can convert into a discount with your next order. Are you not completely satisfied with your new board games? Within the Netherlands you can return your order free of charge.