Twogether Games
Twogether Games The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance - Board Game (ENG)
The Adventure Zone is a very popular podcast from The McElroy Family. The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance captures and expands the humor and joy of this world so you can create your own unique adventures with your family and friends. In Bureau of Balance, you and your friends are adventurers tasked with retrieving dangerous artifacts from nefarious villains. To succeed, you'll have to outsmart vicious gerblins, arm-wrestling ogres, or weather the scathing criticism of sarcastic ghosts. Can you work together and overcome all challenges before your health runs out? Bureau of Balance is a cooperative story game for 2-5 players. It uses a dynamically generated dungeon created by combining multiple maps; as challenges are overcome, new challenges are revealed. The mechanics are easy to learn and players are encouraged to describe their exploits. No experience is required and any group of friends can have a hilarious adventure in about an hour!